
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Combine and Release

Please post any info you have about the two new features.


  1. The idea of combinig is to get more stats on your rods. Each rod has its max lvl of combining. But each lvl combining points will increased on each higher lvl, u can use equipment or rods to combine, but once combinned u will lose them. So be wise to use only gears or rods that u are affort to lose. Ofcours the higher piece of equiment or rod u used to combine the more combine points u get for the rod u want the lvl up.

    U can only release epic fishes. But for me if i click on releas mine game hangs and crashed. So ive no idea whats the point of releasing the fish.

    Ps i hope u undestands mine english, its not mine first language, bare with me ;)

    1. No problem, thank you for the info. Your english is great! No problems understanding at all. Please let me know if you have any examples of combined items and their increases.


    2. what does "releasing" do?/ how does it benefit you?

    3. When you release the fish rather than selling for gold, I believe you will sometimes get free stuff. Not sure yet what that is because releasing fish is currently causing the game to crash. BTW, you can only release epic fish at midnight port.


    4. You can also release epic fish from all fishing site

    5. And btw youbcan also combine ur cloth with the rod

    6. Releasing a fish will gets you a combining material, depending on the fish's rank. Epic S will get you E rank combining materials, and also 500 gold.

  2. Thanks Humiro! You can release fish in tanks also apparently but my game also crashed when I tried this.

    1. Combining items does not upgrade your rods level, it adds new abilities to the rod. The more valuable the item and the higher the level of upgrade, the more points you get. I bought a hurricane and a blade, upgraded them to +10 and +6 then combined them with OT. This gave me enough points to upgrade to level 3. Level 1 & 2 gave elasticity d- then d. Level 3 is ATT +10.

  3. combine 2 aqua emperor lvl 7 in one combine :) +10 att + 50 skl and -10 serenity, what for serenity???? and try release epic fish and crush systen :( what is this release thanks regards adrodark

  4. Replies
    1. Serenity Max = more greens/yellow less reds but mainly green state.

  5. I have a few questions.

    1) for example: I have an OT I want to upgrade and I select an SSF as material to be used. I will end up having a higher level OT and I will lose my SSF? is this correct?

    2) Is there a chance that Combining may fail and you will end up losing your primary rod ( the one you are trying to upgrade )?

    3) I have tried Release feature several times but the game crashed everytime. GV needs to fix this one don't know what Release is for.

    1. Answer to number 1: True. You will lose the material/ your ssf.
      As for the other Questions im not sure. Sorry

    2. Answer two, I don't think there will be any fails to the combine feature. Since FS started, there has always been a notation that upgrades may fail over +5. There has been nothing at all about possible fails, so I assume there is no failing.

      Answer three, you are right. releasing epic fish at midnight port causes crashing ATM. Great job gamEvil!


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. UnknownAugust 31, 2013 at 2:55 AM
    Well, I updated to the new version and boy do I regret it.
    The game now stutters badly when I hit. Also when I do the special attack, it stutters as well. I have lost a few Wolfies now while egg farming due to this.
    I am using a Samsung Galaxy Nexus, on Cyanogenmod ROM. Not a new phone, but no slouch.
    Is there a way to downgrade to the older version? The game is playable but way more frustrating (this is on top of the near constant hangs/force closes)
    I would advise everyone who is using an older phone to think twice before applying this update. Go to the Play Store and shut off auto updates until GameVil rectifies this.

    1. I'm having the same problem. Hopefully, gamEvil will sort that out with the "release crash" patch.


    2. dinkdink,
      I found an older version of the game (v 1.4.2) and installed it. Good as new, err old.

      You do have to check "Allow installation of apps from unknown sources" in Security Settings, but it seems to work fine.

      Here is a link to my Dropbox so you can D/L and install if you like.

      Hope that helps some poeple

    3. Thank you. I am going to see what happens with the next patch. If nothing changes, I will definitely use it.


  8. has IOS update been released? I got no update notification.

  9. Combined my brand new OT +0 with four AE (with 50% discount it was over 4kk).
    Received 16k combine points, earn 10 lvl and;
    ATT: +40, SKL: +50, Line+; D-, not sure it was worth it.
    Combine value depends on power of item(upgrade included).
    Started to send extension tickets (which You can sell for 150 each) instead of stupid batteries (which everyone got thousends of and You can only recycle), take it or leave it.
    P.S. 2
    Looking for hardcore 6* farmers - no monsters or epic shit, exept ancients.


    1. Good move with the expansion tickets h00dy, seems to be catching on with a few. Free money!

    2. Lol you must've lost some friends because you keep sending in those tickets. I mean, it's cheap and if you receive 100 tickets a day, you'll get 15K gold. You'll get more fishing for 10mins at Whirlpool Cave.
      Meanwhile, energy always needed for fishing, especially if you're doing competition. 100 of +5 energy (500 energy, approximately 5 full energy bar) aren't enough to do one count-based competition.
      And you will always buy energy with Stars. Tickets are one time investment. Once your tank is 20 slots, you don't need them anymore.

  10. If you combine +10 OT with SSF will the resulting rod retain the +10 upgrade?

  11. it will keep it's upgrade, combining is another level.
    You can always try, and see how does it work, on the cheapest equipement.

  12. Im wondering. Do we get the same bonuses no matter what we combine on each combine lvl? Or do we get higher bonuses each lvl if we combine the rod with something expensive?

    1. Yes that's the question I wanted to have an answer!
      Depends the Bonus just on the level of combine or depends it on the qualtiy of the rod you combine with?

    2. Fairly certain that each level combine will be the same, regardless of eq. sacrificed, you just get less points for lower quality items so it will take more of them to reach each level.

    3. EXACTLY

      woydeg - 3* hardcore breeder L4 friends

  13. apparently you can release epic and monster fish for items. but crashed everytimes. hopes gamevil fixs it soon.
    orca breeder

  14. Using a galaxy tab 1 7.7"

    release fish - crashes when you press the button
    casting - game has pauses on cast land and just after hooking the fish. You can loose boss fish when this happens.
    windy area - game crashed mid fight with a sun fish.

    1. Yeah, I'm having all sorts of issues with mint too. Galaxy phone. Hopefully, there will be an update tomorrow that will fix. If not, there's a link for the previous version further up this page.


    2. change your language setting in FS to chinese / korean before going for epic fish / purple-named fish hunting.. the release button works under these languages

      ATM, you get different rank of pearls depending on the rank of fish that you caught, eg. S-rank epic fish will give E-rank pearl upon release (check friend updates)

      Pearls can be used to combine with your rod (E-rank pearl is worth 50 pt in combine, can be sold for 1500 gold)

    3. Apart from pearl, a friend of mine got boss big bait as release reward

      Boss big bait
      [a-worm/ s-grade]
      increase chances to catch strong fishes; effective for 30 min

    4. Thanks! Changing the Language release works! I believe (didn't check it). I've got D-Pearl from SS-Wahoo and C-Pearl from SSS-Cherry Salmon (twice), so I believe the rank of the pearl depends directly on the rank of the fish but not the type (you will always get a C-Pearl from SSS fish), maybe with star fishes you can get to B, A and S Pearls?
      D-Perl is worth 3000 Gold and C-Pearl 6000 Gold so if you are looking to farm gold, this should be a grate incentive.

    5. Sheesh if i have knew this earlier. But thanks :-) chainging languague now :-)

  15. The first time you Combine materials in order to upgrade a rod, you have to pay 500 Gold for each element you choose, the second time you have to pay 2000 for each element! That means, and with the new pearls on the game, that you should try to maximize your combining in order to save money, using elements that gives you a lot of combining points and using 5 elements for each combine.

  16. Bought some cheap rods to try out the combine function. Learned that the total points of the combining material must equal to or greater than the indicated stat otherwise you will lose all the materials and the combining cost without any gain on the stats.
    Pricey lesson; lost 16k : (

    1. Oops. Correcting my premature assessment. The points are saved and continually accumulate.

  17. HOLA alguien me puede explicar la nueva caracteristica de SOLTAR he leido varios comentarios sobre eso, pero yo no veo donde aplicarlo GRACIAS

    1. Puedes SOLTAR peces que sean Epicos (En midnight port por ejemplo). Para poder hacerlo, por el momento tienes que tener el idioma del telefono en Koreano o Chino ya que si lo tienes en otro idioma, el juego se tranca. Al SOLTAR un pez, obtienes una "Perla" que puedes usar para COMBINAR tu caña (en vez de usar equipo), el valor de la perla (en puntos de combinacion) dependen de su Grado (E, D, C, etc). El grado de la perla depende del grado del pez que sueltas. En el momento que tengas un pez Epico, veras bajo la opcion de "Vender" la opcion de "Soltar". Ademas puedes vender las perlas, su precio varia segun su grado.

    2. muchas gracias amigo..

  18. After upgrade to the latest version, the game cannot boot up on my Samsung
    Note 2. Hopefully there is a patch for this.

    1. I got the same phone and the upgrade actually improved the loading time and success rate. In fact I have been able to load on the first try every time either through wf or 3g.

    2. if you are not too far into the game try uninstalling and reinstalling ut worjed for me

  19. Can anyone pls post a link for new update 1.5.3.
    I am unable to download it from playstore.
    Dropbox or smething else.pls

  20. The lag issue has somehow been fixed after the latest update however releasing fish at midnight port still causes the game to crash when using English language. The only way to avoid a crash when releasing fish at MP is to change the language to Korean or Chinese. I hope GV fixes this soon for the English language users.

  21. You can also release monster fish, but the same crashing issue exists. Hopefully it will be fixed on the next maintenance.

  22. Don't just add random pearl and sorting them by their rank. Some of those pearl actually has a number attached to them. You can't see the number until you tried to combine them and at the combine menu you will see a number when selecting a pearl. If you don't see a number, restart the game and you should see their numbers.
    Adding pearls with consecutive numbers will give your rod an effect like Rally, Serenity, Elasticity and so on. Adding pearls with random number not in sequence will only boost your rod's stats.
    So far, tried that theory with my H.Storm and Golden Rod, and both now has Rally D-

    1. Does it have to be e.g. 38, 39', 40? Or an it be 38, 42, 51? Do I need 5 consecutive numbers or can I get the bonus with 3. OMG I never noticed these numbers lol I wasted so many pearls xD


    2. Those numbers change every time I log in. Odd, I wonder what they re for, I haven't got enough 5 sets of consecutives to test your theory but I hope ure right, makes combining more interesting lol

    3. Maybe I didn't do it right but I just got standard stat boosts. Of note though, my +7 combine stats were different from some of other + 7 stats stated in this forum. Poo I tried it on 3 diff rods too xD

  23. They fixed the RELEASE function for English language. I'ts a pity the game is running much slower than before. Tried running it for different devices and in with different wi-fi connections and is the same. It's so slow right now I don't bother even to play.

    1. Same here. The last update has made it painfully slow to do anything in the game, so like you I don't bother playing...too bad I had one last fish to complete the last event so I may miss the full reward...oh well.

  24. why does iOS have this combine and release feature ?

  25. Combined some pearls (78, 79, 80, 81 & 82) of different ranks (2xC, 2xD and 1xE) with my shooting star.
    Received Line+ ability, so combining your rod with consecutive pearls will indeed add an ability.
    For my Dual Infinity rod I used the same method but it didn't add an ability, maybe this is because it already had Elasticity+?
    So if your rod has no abilities yet, combining it with consecutive pearls will add an ability otherwise I'm not too sure

    - R44DT

  26. My pearls had numbers last night, now none of them have numbers!! Any ideas? Even after a dozen log-ins!!

  27. when I want to combine them I only get 1 e , 1 d , 1 c , etc. so also no numbers?

    1. On the inventory you will only see the rank (C,D,E), but the numbers will show after you start the combine process and you select one of the pearls.

  28. Correct anonymous, but for some odd reason when I select them now, I show no numbers. Which sucks because I had 4 in order when I could still see the numbers ( 51,52,53,54) has anybody else had this issue recently?

  29. Does anyone know how to get certain effect? I'm looking for CRI Effect but lol...i got Elasticity -D for my OT :((

    1. how ya get elasticity? I got noothing just standard stats, and its already +10 ......

    2. how ya get elasticity? I got noothing just standard stats, and its already +10 ......

    3. how ya get elasticity? I got noothing just standard stats, and its already +10 ......

  30. I didn't check for number at first, as I tend to be more cautious and let other people figure the ins and outs of the process but I too do not see numbers after initiating the combine process.


  31. Also I have a question. Seems to me that only the total number of combine points are what matters to add stats to your rod ( besides the numbers for an added affect, which I can't see). Is this right? Hesitant to start combining old unused equipment and pearls just yet if there is a way to maximize the stats gained from combining.


  32. When combining items to increase stats, does it matter if I use stars to do the combining instead of gold, since they give you a choice of paying with gold or star. Does it matter if I choose one over the other?

    1. I'm not sure...I know I will only be using gold for combining as my stars are too precious to waste on combining.


  33. just released SS Sunfish - received D Pearl and 500 gold :)

  34. You won't see the number on pearls again after the maintenance. GV has removed them. I don't know why they did that though, so best you can do is combine with pearls according to their place. I noticed from before that first pearl in combine box always has lesser number, and it's not sorted out by their rank.
    But the bad news is that if you combine with, say, E-D-D-C-C pearls in order, you only get fewer combine points, which makes it more expensive to leveling up.

  35. Somebody discovered how to obtain special effect with pearls or some other things?

  36. Few days ago combined my Daybreak+10 with C,C,C,C,C pearls as a result of "Serenity" D rank added and ATT increased. Did somebody had the same experience?

    ID: Giee

  37. Hm.. in that case what would you get if you combine A,A,A,A,A with Ocean Tyrant. What stats would you get?

    1. Since I didn't have Ocean Tyrant but a similar Aqua Emperor+12, get CTR & ATT increased by A,A,A,A,A pearls.

      ID: Giee

  38. Does it ever erase your stats? So if you combined and got ATT then you combined again would it erase your ATT and change it to say CTR?

    1. Carry combination twice for the same rod so far(8 combined rod current), delete ability not exist but increase in competence.

    2. Carry combination twice for the same rod so far(8 combined rod current), delete ability not exist but increase in competence.

      Sorry for repeated reply
      ID: Giee

  39. A B C D E added to my ssf and recieved no dive

  40. when you combine, the effects are always different: i try it on 6 similar huricanes lvl0 - added for every rod E-pearl and recive different effect in all rods.
    i have some rods lvl 5-10 and I've noticed that every rod have only 3 random skills that just grow up after every combining upgrade. it may be att, skill, ctr, crit, elastisity, serenity and no dive


  41. Seriously what does serenity do?

  42. Hi all
    Does repair cost increase when use synt. mater for combining
    What about combining with equipment like pants etc - does
    Repair costs increase ?
    Not sure if anyone has made this expierence
    Would be helpful
    thank in advance
    Happy fishing

  43. Combine cost goes up the same each combining level that your item reaches. So, if you want to combine lesser materials it make sense only on lower levels as the cost goes up. Therefore, I find you should use them to combine just up to the next level break and then use your high point valued synthetics. That really just saves on how much gold you waste, but it starts to add up quickly. Additionally, upgraded items are worth more: If it starts at 10pt upgrade to lvl 2 makes it 11pt, starts 30pt then lvl 5 goes to 38pts (more is not worth fail risk increase), 100pt lvl 6 goes to 133pt lv8 147pt, if starting with 200pt lvl 6 is 266pt, lvl 8 is 294pt, 300pt will start at +15/lvl and 600pt at +30/lvl of upgrade. So, don't waste too many upgrades on 10pt equip, but don't combine high value items without upgrading to lvl 6 or 8 (going higher adds more but is greatly risking stars). Combining items (rods) that already have combine levels seem to consistently add 10pts/combine level that item had (not a value as level 1 of combine is a min. of 23 pts of combine to acheive). Synthetics add: E=30, D=100, C=200, B=600, A=1000. Combining is a good way to improve your rod without increasing repair cost. Using items (especially rods) is the best way to save repair cost though. I used items I get from tickets that I don't want as combine materials, but buying them to combine does not make sense especial using stars to buy them. That's it in a nutshell, - Foopy

    1. WOW great info!! Thank you for posting. I bought 2 black tortoise at the 2 hr rod sale for combining. They are worth 4000 XD. I will make sure to get them +8 before combining. I didn't know combining doesn't increase repair cost. Thanks again for the info.


    2. What would you say is better for the rod. Upgrading it. Or combining it ??

  44. Has anyone combined yet using the S, SS, or SSS pearls?
    Wondering if I should use 5 SS pearls together to combine for single rod, for example, or if I should just use 1 at a time for different equipment.

    Any input appreciated.


    1. i got about 10 SS 8 S and 12 SSS from event and lucky card.
      I got +26 Combined Fishing rod with some side effects added and cant combine to 30 for some reason (gold).
      You can use it for your main Fishing Rod make sure you combine it more than 10 (because any level below will not give side effect except some stat).
      My best suggestion is use the best Pearl till you hit 30 starting from A/S/SS/SSS because combining spent alot of gold. ( +1 - +30 cost about 200k Gold - ????)

  45. Is it possible to upgrade star seeker to level 17? Tried three times bur every time failed, not only that I have lost 45 stars!! :( :( :(

  46. My double lightning gained critical hit + 4 at combining level 15, al level 16 it was cri+8! Nice bonus :)

  47. will each same rods acquired same stat in the end of max lvl of this combining featured?

  48. Someone know which is better to have ? Metallic Bone reel or Hunter's ???? I want to combine in order to have better stats and effects but I dont know which to kept as my main :s...

    1. combining has no rule ... I have two VB ... both almost with the same combination lvl ... but one of them has great features while the other one has some other feature but way less its sister ... same sstory I faced withe my reels ... one of them has some great features (serenity, rally, line, skill gauge and so on ..) ... while the other has some extra atk, skl and ctr ... combining is gambling ... though I've noticed that combining while competition time has some extra advantage ... also you need to equip your highest luck gear ... but this is not a sure thing.

      hope this helps


  49. Ok . So I'm just starting this game and I've been playing for a good while. I'm lvl 33-34 I forget off the top of my head . First things first . I've never had an option to "release " a fish. ? It's always sell or put in aquarium . N second for being on PvP 33-34. I STILL can't catch a big black snake head .. I feel like I have a hard time catching big fish . I have 1000+ atc 900-1000 ctr n I forget the other one off the top of my head . But you get the drift (I hope) for being on the level that I'm on and ect . Why is this game giving me such hard problems ? I use the lucky rod thing that was given to people for this lvl it up challenge n bamboo rod think it's called a blue bamboo or something like that ? Anyways . If anyone can seriously help e out I'd greatly appreciate it . And if you wanna add me on there my name's "slutpatty" I'm always playing. feeding and giving out gifts . So if you need anything . That's about all the help I feel like I can give to people in this game P.S . I plan on changing my name from slutpatty to ry6uy1991

    1. Slutpady * n apparently I can't change my name

  50. is there any benefit to using stars to combine or is it the same result with gold?

  51. Hi guys, for those how don't know yet about combining: first you choose between elasticity and critical. after that you need lots of gold+combine mats and luck to get what you need on your rods and reels. I talked with a guy who told me you can infinity reel in with elasticity +70... and i was like wtf... and after i showed him my rod and reel(white crane abd bloom) he said: thats the worst reel and rod ive ever seen...he means you need special options like elasticity,crit,skill gauge, serenity, line, etc. no atk, skill or ctr those are worst nightmare. you spend 100k gold for 20k 25k comb. point and you get some att or skill... thats crap. if you get a reel or rod with no good stuff with combine lvl 20 or more just reset it and hope you get better option. it might get worse too so be patient and gather all stars and gold. i wish you lots of luck and the that abyss xD

  52. Hi guys, for those how don't know yet about combining: first you choose between elasticity and critical. after that you need lots of gold+combine mats and luck to get what you need on your rods and reels. I talked with a guy who told me you can infinity reel in with elasticity +70... and i was like wtf... and after i showed him my rod and reel(white crane abd bloom) he said: thats the worst reel and rod ive ever seen...he means you need special options like elasticity,crit,skill gauge, serenity, line, etc. no atk, skill or ctr those are worst nightmare. you spend 100k gold for 20k 25k comb. point and you get some att or skill... thats crap. if you get a reel or rod with no good stuff with combine lvl 20 or more just reset it and hope you get better option. it might get worse too so be patient and gather all stars and gold. i wish you lots of luck and the that abyss xD

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