
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Timing Is Everything

So I've had an opportunity to actually test this and it does seem to work. Certain fish only bite at certain times. I've just about got my illustrated book filled and a lot of the hard to find fish, I was able to get at times recommended by friends. As with CHANGEvil, nothing ever seems to stay the same for too long, but if the posts stay current, so should the timing (fingers crossed).

I am trying to get times rare fish are biting without chum, or at most, 1 S chum. I have caught my missing fish without chum, but if it helps with one, I'm ask for it.

Some of the hardest fish to find:

Isurus. 2 PST crank, 6 PST crank ss chum 5.55 PST minnow 2 s chum 8.30 PST crank 2 ss chum

Sturgeon.  8 PST spinner 2o'clock cast 5.45 PST spinner

Tapon. 11 PST crank s chum 1 PST crank

Atlantic wolffish. 9, 11 PST minnow 7.30 PST crank and minnow 3.30 PST minnow 1 PST minnow

Golden ribbon sea bass.  5.30 PST spinner 11o'clock cast sss chum

Blue dot ribbon Ray

Zebra shark

Laced moray.  9.30 PST minnow max right max cast and minimum cast

Killer whale. 5 PST crank and sss chum 11o'clock cast



Giant Barb. 2-4, 8 PST spinner ss chum 10 PST crank ss chum

Bull shark. 7 PST minnow minimum cast 6.50 PST crank and sss chum, 9 PST crank no chum 12 PST minnow ss chum 3 PST spinner min cast

African snakehead. 4 PST minnow cast at any ripple

Goonch catfish   12 PST minnow 3.45 PST minnow

White sturgeon 3.15 PST crank

Pink dolphin. 10 PST minnow no chum

Chinese paddlefish.  2-4 and 5-7 PST minimum cast with minnow,  10 PST minnow 4.30 PST minnow

Coelacanth 1.44 PST minnow ss chum 1.30 PST crank

Thresher Shark 6.30 PST crank ss chum min cast 10 PST 
minnow ss chum 1.30 PST minnow

Blanket Octopus 6.54 PST crank sss chum 8.45 PST spinner 5.24 PST spinner s chum 1.30 PST spinner

Please post the time you hooked the fish (it isn't important whether you landed it or not), along with your time zone. The bait, chum type if any, cast location, etc. I hope we can all start finding some similarities and start filling in some shadows in our iBook 8)

Happy fishing!!!



  1. African snakehead:
    4 pm PST minnow, no chum. Cast at any ripple.


  2. Chinese paddlefish:
    6 pm PST minnow, no chum, wait for ripple at max right max cast.

  3. Sturgeon 8PM PST spinner, no chum, max cast 2 o clock
    Laced Moray 9:30PM PST big boss bait, no chum, max right max cast


    1. sorry. made that post in a hurry. I was actually using boss synthetic bait and SSS chum when I caught that laced moray since I was hunting that ancient fish last night.


  4. Chinese Paddlefish & Pink Dolphin, 8pm Cet, minnow no chum.

  5. I'm not sure but I think that Tampon fish only bites once a month!

    1. and I think the Giant Barbara can be found in McDonalds most nights around 7pm......


    2. You're f-ing hilarious Buzz. XDXD

  6. im not kidding,
    every fish that dinkdink stated there (more than half of it) ive caught it during comps going on.
    instead on taking part on comps, ive gone to other sites to hunt star fish. (it also works at midnight, tried on isurus)
    caught 14 type of boss fish also on that time.
    im currently out of baits right now, only s-spinner left,
    so, ill try again on fish that i havent caught yet after restock. (no rare fish at premium sites atm, ill clear out normal site first)
    also, i dont have a good rod yet, so, no hatari jungle fish.

    all in GMT +8 (Singapore, Malaysia timezone)

    all with perfect or excellent ripples
    all with first baits they suggest eg.minnow <-- atlantic halibut
    no chum.

    (only listing fish that dinkdink stated and ive considered it was rare)
    sturgeon -2pm -2am -100% mid right, 100% max right
    angled sturgeon -2pm -100% max right

    zebra shark -2pm -anywhere
    blue dot ribbon ray -10pm -100 mid right
    golden ribbon sea bass -8:30pm -100% mid

    football fish - 2 pm -
    laced morray - 2pm - 100% mid, left, right.
    thunderbolt morray - 2pm - 100% mid right (very exclusive sweet spot, alot of bites, only 1 landed)

    atlantic halibut -2pm -8:30pm -10pm - 100% mid right, 50% mid
    silver scaled halibut -2pm -100% max right

    isurus - 12am -8:30pm -10pm -100% max right, 50% mid left
    platinum travlly -2pm -100% max right

    wels catfish -2pm -7am -12am - 100% random maxed
    blackhole wels -2pm - 100% random maxed, caught alot, same with wels catfish

    red king taimen - 2pm - 100% mid left

    tampon -2pm -7am -8:30 pm - 100% max right and mid
    great white tiger shark - 2am - 100% mid

    (played on sunset rock last event)
    opah - 6pm - 100% mid left
    swordfish - S-Crank- 6pm - 2pm -2am - it bites everywhere
    killerwhale -2am -0% mid

    ***** lyneee

    1. Great info lynee. Took you a while to type that out, but I'm sure everyone who reads it will benefit.


    2. Thanks a lot lyneee. Will hunt for the white tiger shark...after finish the event that is...


      now that there is a SG timing it will be much easier for me!!!


  7. Also, I didn't add any monster fish to the list because once you've caught all other fish at a site, you should catch the monster fish within 1 or 2 casts using the first bait listed.

    1. 1-2 cast my butt! I've been trying to catch new monster fish everyday for months with no success. I've waisted hundreds of crank, minnow, spinner, experts, rookies and masters accordingly. The only ones I've caught are the first four on the iBook and that was all before the season two update, since then not a one old or new. Idk if it's because I'm using iPad and the GM is a viva la Korea go samsung/android freak or what. But I've used TONS of bait, SSS chum and time looking for these to no avail. I've tried the suggested times and cast dist/direction, I'm EST so I account for the time difference as well. Or it might be cuz I've never bought any stars. I have over 130 luck as well so that's not it. But idk man.

  8. dinkdink, im aware of that,

    sometime, when im bored with egg farming,
    ill hunt boss fish for stars, normally it was red flag isurus since its easy to bring it down and it worth 9*.
    everybody would feel bored if keep repeat peat peat peat.
    and if course, i cant stand if i just got A-grade boss fish, boss should be SSS for me. lol.

  9. in addition, since ive played a lot of online games and my brother was a computer engineer, ill explain a tiny bit about the system.

    what is rng?
    rng is a system used for producing a random results by the help of random number. btw, true randomness cant be archive by computer since it was based on logic unlike some real games like roullete, dice, etc. in computer system, the derivative rng that is used is PRNG (Pseudo Random Number Generator). however certain rules and condition must be followed for request to be executed. Fishing Superstars is a computer system itself, so PRNG also applied.

    every activities based on "luck concept" governed by rng. as an example, type of fish, lucky card, egg drop and upgrading equipment. to reduce a load on a back end server, developer most likely applied a single server. it include egg drop, fish type, luck coupon and upgrading.

    each time prng start 'seeds' is selected, the system will choose presumably 1-100, then keep on producing result within certain periodicity before the system repeats itself, and by that system will be producing an exact sequence of result.
    while the number may be limited, periodicity may be big. so, after prng give a results, next few results would have some correlation with previous result. as an example, after prng gives "21", next 3 result would be something like 17,25,19. i dont know an exact number or correlation, it can be 10 number or 20 number. IT WILL CHANGE OVER TIME, i termed this trait as "proximity".

    the next concept is "movement".
    movement refers to a time taken to obtain a results that doesnt correlate with previous result as mentioned above.

    Seed : 1-100
    Speed : fast, exrremly fast.
    Movement: Yes.

    this is an easy to observed since the result it being shown. as mention above, there is certain periodicityand proximity that have been set by Gamevil itself.

    to make use if this knowledge let me stated some of my experiment with the game. (Fishing Superstars)

    1. Fish Bite Rate
    -when there is movement, uill get a rare fish if hit an exact spot (ripple mid, maxed, etc) with exact rules (baits)
    2.Normal Luck Coupon
    -when there is movement, uill likely to get a good star rod.
    3. Upgrading.
    Succesfull upgrade when movement.
    4. Egg Drop.
    - do i need to say? =_="

    (easily seen)

    1. Fish Bite Rate.
    - Rare fish wont bite at all at this time except there is "movement".

    2. Normal Luck Coupon (2000 Gold)
    energy +3
    S-Baits x3 - x9
    cheap equipment, origin alpha, winder, etc.

    mostly failed start with +5 - +9

    4. Eggs.
    no eggs until it hit a certain number. 3-4 tank got only 1 eggs.

    MEDIUM TO HIGH (35-65)
    to be continued...........
    lol, im tired already, ill explain it more later.


    1. Lyneee - interesting stuff. Not sure I fully understand how this can be applied so that it will help with your "luck" in FS.

      You mention that "movement" is important and That LOW SEEDS (what are these SEEDS?) TO MEDIUM (1-35) are "easily seen" , but how and where can you spot these on the screen?

      Upgrading - mostly failed start with +5 - +9. What exactly do you mean by that?

      Really appreciate the time and effort to put this information in, but I (and others I guess) really need to get my head round it.

      Looking forward to the next instalment.


  10. Caught White tiger Shark at 5.40 PM GMT, first cast! S crank, no chum, 12 o'clock, excellent cast. This time works well, ive checked it twice.

  11. wels cat fish one of hard to find?
    i caught 5 in 2 hour, include black hole wels 3 in the same time
    00-03 am GMT +8

    1. oh yeah sweet spot and bait, minnow cast 50% right in front the rock
      the black hole one is, 90% 11 o'clock

    2. and laced one
      this one bite my bait 2 time in 30 minute
      include 3 thunderbolt morray
      it happen when 1st boss fight time dunkle
      mid to max cast, perfect ripple

  12. wels catfish isnt hard to find, all that u need is a right time.
    u caught 5 wels in 2 hours,
    but me, ive caught 2 wels, 3 golden ribbon bass, 2 laced morray, 1 sturgeon, 1 atlantic halibut, 1 northen pike, 1 isurus, 1 platinum trevally, 1 red flag isurus, 1 redhead,
    all of that just in 2 hours.

  13. Buzzer, its easily understanable,

    how about u tried opening 5-7 normal luck coupon when u got a lot of eggs,

    example: 2 eggs just in 1 tank.

    and try again in the next time after u havent got any eggs.

    an item uill get from it would be a lot different.
    at the same time, all rare fish also bites a lot at any fishing site,

    SEEDS: it is a number rolled from 1-100

    MOVEMENT: its a seed (number) that doesnt correlate with previous seed.

    all the seeds hover around 9-24, but there's "80", that "80" is "movement".

    UPGRADING: if the seeds are low, how will u succes an upgrade, i noticed if the seed are low, upgrading start failing at +5. it wont turned back to +4, but will stayed at +5, if ure upgrading +9, most likely it would make ur equipment downgrade to +7 or +8.


    i just simply opening normal luck coupon if i had some extra gold.

    if i havent, ill go fish at Lotus Red Pond,
    when ive got alot of saberfin killie, bluefin notho, striped foureye, thats mean its on low seed. when its on high seed, usually ill got alot of trahira, blackghost, chinese sucker,

    example with 10 cast using S-Shrimp.
    LOW SEED: 3 saberfin killie, 1 bluefin notho, 3 Stinging catfish, 1 striped foureye, 2 blackghost,
    MEDIUM SEED: 2 saberfin killie, 2 stinging catfish, 1 striped foureye, 3 blackghost, 2 trahira.
    HIGH SEED: 1 saberfin killie, 2 stinging catfish, 4 blackghost, 1 chinese sucker, 1 kafue pike, 1 clown knifefish.

    u can also check it on another site, i just give an example.


    1. Awesome work, lyneee. I think I got it. Now I just have to try it out.


    2. OK. Thanks for that Lyneee - I'll have a play around with this information over the next few days.

      Thanks a lot for going to the trouble of explaining it.

      I should have gone for a lucky card last night when I dropped 7 eggs in three tanks !!


  14. Anonymous : i open my game at 8pm (malaysian time ) let say.

    and play rare lucky card and get Battery, Chum or gold....
    so it meant its low seeds....

    so how can we identify high seeds... when we find rare fish on perfect ripple.

  15. i hate to say this, but, i cant even see any high seed during this luck card event, not even while comps going on. its always on low and medium,
    high proximity isnt appearing like usual, its appeared only for a few seconds, most likely it was a "movement" on PRNG, but well, u can also predict this,

    GV just wanna make profit out of us.
    they dont really wanna give us any good item on this event, they just want our stars.
    so, i think its normal if they (GV) adjust their PRNG proximity.

    just hope uill be hitting a "movement" while opening luck card.

    btw, 'rare fish that isnt really rare' still can be hooked by predicting medium seed, but, it still hardly bites, S chum will help for sure.

    ill suggest that u keep ur baits untill this luck event end. this event really sucks, low eggs droprate, low rare fish bite rate.

    1. i use 34 cards anf recieve only baits, gold, 2 dragon item, chum and star seeker. after few days i try 5 cards and get lightning rod, bronze box, s pearl. before this in wapipi s-sss eurasian perch caught out every 2 casts(pretty lucky)

  16. After all, it will still be a "lucky" card event, depend on you luck.

  17. African snakehead 6pm cst min cast right in ripple.
    Also channel catfish. same as african snakehead.

  18. Golden ribbon 7:30am cst 90% normal cast 11oclock spinner 1xsss chum.
    Meteor same except crank max perfect cast 10oclock.

  19. Bull shark 7pm PST. Took 65 minnow and 40 minutes to hook him, but I finally got it. Illustrated book complete except for some dinos 8)


  20. Bull shark 8:50am CST. Max cast 12oclock crank 1xsss chum. Hunting those dumpling carp. Didn't expect a bull shark... I was reeling too fast and snapped the line...8(

  21. i dont know if it was a coincident or not but ive landed bullshark at around 2.50am sg time max left min cast, silent murderer 3/4 cast after that .. and goonch catfish the next day around 2.20am sg time, blood wing about 1 hr later (at 3rd attempt lol)
    btw thnx to Demuthen & Cathyluv :)

  22. Tarpon S-Worm and S-crank 10pm est that would be 2pm pst if im correct

  23. Totally disagree that timing is every thing..if this would have been the case then all players got all the fishes and recv gopd rewards frm lucky cards. For example someone gets star rod at 8 pm then why not others lets say 100 ppl didnt get who played lucky cards se time....

    1. I disagree with the timing for lucky draw as well, is all about luck in the end, you never know when would you get good item, there is no guarantee of success, it is a "lucky" draw.

      however I do believe in this game some fishes do appear (more oftemn maybe?) in a certain time.
      you will notice rare fishes appear and they will keep appearing in that particular hour. (it could be different times for each type of fishes) this thread is to share our experiences about rare fishes, to help others to save time, bait and energy.


    2. I never said anything about lucky cards. This thread has kind of been hijacked by those who think they have the answers to figuring out the algorithm gamEVIL has set up. I did post, at the very beginning of this thread, that I have tested this in catching elusive fish. I have searched for hours for the most elusive fish in the game...Giant Barb (caught in the hour I was told to fish), Bull Shark (caught in the hour I was told to fish), Chinese Paddlefish (Caught in the hour I was told to fish), Sturgeon and Atlantic Wolffish (I wasn't given a certain hour, but I fished for 11 hours, and caught it only in 1 particular hour)! I will gladly remove this thread if nobody is gaining anything from it. I only posted it so that I could record times that I knew resulted in catches of the fish I needed to fill my ibook. The times I was given worked! I don't believe this is a fluke, but let me know if this is a waste of time and I'll pull the thread.


    3. Sorry Wil, I didn't read you full post b4 posting my previous comments. It seems we are on the same page with what this thread was intended for.

      Atif, I agree, the lucky cards are bullshit. You cannot rely upon anything you read here about them, other than what people say they received. As for overall luck, I have a friend that has tried egg farming after getting top 3 fish of the day and he sees a great result.

      This thread is intended to give times to catch elusive fish. That's it. I've tried it and it works.


    4. yup, in the wrong hour you might spend 100 expensive baits and not getting one of those elusive one, I got my paddlefish right after dinkdink posted the time, before that nearly 100 minnows and no success.

      I personally think this thread helps a lot, and I pretty sure a lot of us appreciate the information written here about the appearing time.

      Great work dinkdink, and those who share :)

  24. Giant barb 2-3-14 8:30 pm pst max cast 10 o'clock.

    1. Also, spinner, and 2x ss chum.

    2. Thanks for your continued support Travis 8)

    3. Thank you, Dink! You and everyone who contributes to the blog make the game fun again. Before I found it, I was ready to uninstall fss... I don't have a ton of time to play, and the blog helps make the most of the time I get to play. There are a lot of helpful people on here, and some that are just cool to chat with. Thanks for all your hard work...
      Fish on... (referenceing Primus, not Jeremy Wade)

  25. I found my emerald carp, silent murderer and blood wing all between 7pm-8pm AEST. Firehorn shark 1pm AEST.

    Emerald carp - Crank
    Silent Murderer - Minnow
    Blood Wing - Spinner
    Fire horn shark - Minnow

    1. Those are the monster fish of the site. They'll bite anytime, as long as you caught all the other fish at the site.

  26. caught a Killer Whale last night at 12.45am AEST, S crank with SSS chum, 11pm direction 90% cast

  27. 2 isurus 8-8:30pm cst. One 80% 12 o'clock and the other max at 11 o'clock. Crank with 1 ss chum.

  28. I just caught the blood wing at wapipi falls on spinner bait its worth 12 stars 8:45pm EST

  29. Having a hard time finding giant barb can any one help?

  30. Missed an Isurus (B) at 2300 (GMT+1) Rightside (below big hut) at +/- 40%
    Greets, ArGeMu

  31. Marbled Lungfish with a Crank 2 S chum hooked 4 from 11:25 a.m. - 12:02 p.m. EST.

  32. Tarpoon, crank bait, S chum x2. 2:20 p.m. EST. Full cast by the rocks on the right side in ripples.

  33. Laced Moray 12:25 p.m. EST with a minnow and no power full left cast. no chum

  34. Giant Barb, 11:34p.m. EST. Spinner, short cast middle into ripples.

    1. Got a second GB 11:43 p.m. EST, Spinner, max cast, about 1 - 2 O'clock cast direction.

  35. Bull Shark caught 12:30 a.m. EST. chocolate crank bait during event. max cast about 11 o'clock in ripples.

  36. Monster Pike, 1:02pm EST. Spinner Bait, cast all the way right with no power

  37. AW 5:45pm GMT 10 o'clock 42m ripple

  38. sell cheat no hp fish.

  39. Goonch catfish 3:20 p.m. EST far right side by the waterfall into a ripple. either max cast or close to it. Caught with a Minnow.

  40. appreciate your work Steve and others!
    this certainly make our job easier when we need them!


  41. 12pm pst ss chum + minnow bull shark.


    1. Dink do you have times for Silent Murderer, and Bloodwing? I can't get either to bite.

    2. If it's the first time to catch them, just like all other monster fish, it should be easy the first time. Minnow for SM and spinner for bloodwing. After that, they are very hard to find. I have caught other bloodwing at 5pm pst, but lately, that time isn't working anymore.


    3. I've noticed with SM, Bloodwing, EC they all bite at the same time for me. I've caught all 3 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. EST

  42. 1050 am pst giant barb ss chum. Caught on chocolate crank.


  43. Tarpon 3:20 pm cst. Max cast no ripple left side of outside rock on right side (sweet spot, I've caught lots in this exact spot). Crank.

  44. Isurus, 1.55pm (GMT +8), Rookie's bait + S-Chum ×2

  45. Silent Murderer 8:45 p.m. EST Rookie Bait casted into ripples about 1 o'clock 3/4 cast.

    Blood Wing 8:30 p.m. EST Expert Bait casted into ripples about 10 o'clock full cast.

  46. 12.45pm - 1pm AEST, hooked 2 x sturgeon with low luck costumes (total luck 33)
    both 11 o'clock direction, one on ripple 70% perfect cast, one normal cast


  47. Emerald Carp 8:55 p.m. EST Crank Bait casted 11 o'clock into ripple full cast.

  48. Hallow Phanthom 4:20 p.m. EST Spinner Bait Casted into Ripples about 10 o'clock. 3/4 cast.

  49. Bull shark. 5:15 pm. Snowflake spinner. Min cast 11 o'clock.

    1. spinner???? Really????? I'm speechless


    2. I know, right... Lol! Wasn't fishing for bs. It surprised me when I hooked it...

  50. Any clues about white sturgeon?

  51. anyone know where/how/location/timing to catch Great Barracuda? have looking for 1 year now..not sign.

  52. AW 10:32 p.m. EST Master Bait full cast left by the far rocks into a ripple.

    1. Got a second AW 10:51 p.m. EST Rookie Bait full cast left by far rocks.

  53. AW 2:28 p.m. EST Rookie Bait Full Cast 12 o'clock into a ripple.

  54. I had in this moment (14:45 pst/ 22:45 europ timezone vienna) a lot (minimum 10) of bite from golden freshwater mandarin fish at midnight Port used crank 10 - 12m and 2 times SS chum without ripples til I catched my 1 one in rare


  55. 630 pm PST 1XSS chum with crank. Thresher shark. minimum cast


    1. another Thresher Shark, 5:27pm AEST, Minnow + SS Chum, min cast


  56. 654pm PST 1XSSS chum blanket octopus max right cast with crank.

    1. another Branket Octopus, 3.45pm AEST, no chum, full left 60% excellent cast, using spinner


  57. Coelacanth .8.44pm AEST, Minnow + 1 x SS Chum, 1o'clock direction 80% perfect cast


  58. I am ashamed to confess that after 73 levels I have still not been able to catch an Atlantic wolffish at their natural habitat, does anyone have a best time to hunt this elusive sucker? Thanks in advance. lab69

    1. Look at our times in the Timing is Everything thread. I posted 2 times myselft for AW.

    2. hey Steve, I've tried for three different dates the times and location you've posted, but still no luck...if someone else has any other suggestions I greatly appreciate it. lab69

    3. try to cast car left and max cast out by the far rocks. That's where I hook most of mine. Also got them max cast straight ahead.

  59. Blanket Octopus 8:24 am est +1 S chum spinner 11 o'clock 80% cast into ripple. Perfect or Excellent cast can't remember exact one.

  60. Just my opinion, in order to check this faster, anyone please collect these and put together such as:

    Giant Barb
    1050 am pst giant barb ss chum. Caught on chocolate crank.
    Giant Barb, 11:34p.m. EST. Spinner, short cast middle into ripples.
    Got a second GB 11:43 p.m. EST, Spinner, max cast, about 1 - 2 O'clock cast direction
    Giant barb 2-3-14 8:30 pm pst max cast 10 o'clock.

    Bull shark
    12pm pst ss chum + minnow bull shark.
    Bull shark 7pm PST. Took 65 minnow and 40 minutes to hook him
    Bull shark 8:50am CST. Max cast 12oclock crank 1xsss chum.
    Bull Shark caught 12:30 a.m. EST. chocolate crank bait during event. max cast about 11 o'clock in ripples.

    For update, please write full name, easy for us to search (e.g. Bull shark,
    Giant Barb...)

    Thank you all...

  61. Thresher shark, 2nd anniversary bait (minnow), no chum, around 04:30am UTC/GMT +7

    Blanket Octopus, crank, no chum, same time as thresher shark

    Coelacanth, master bait (crank), no chum, same time as the two above

    1. Sorry....
      I caught BO with spinner, not crank

  62. I caught isurus with crank and 2 ss chums at 10:30am central time. Irene660

  63. Help giant barb bait Chum e time italian? I'm desperated

  64. 5:15pm cst white sturgeon crank no chum
    5:45pm cst goonch catfish minnow no chum

  65. 6:30pm cst Chinese paddlefish minnow no chum

  66. 8:30pm cst papuon bass minnow no chum min cast

  67. Some one can tell me when i can get Giant B. and Bull S.? I'm from Italy

  68. Il Bull l'ho preso alle 23.30 con il crack senza Chum aggiungimi GraLux88

  69. atlantic wolffish caught at 12.30pm CET (GMT+1)
    atlantic wolffish caught at 22.00 pm CET (GMT+1)

    will try again tonight to verify these times.

    ps. could be a good idea if a few people could test it, and if it is correct, maybe dink can add the times at the top behind the fish in the list.


    1. forgot to mention, but i cast always between 10 and 2 o' clock roughly between 35-40m. as mentioned before.

