
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Full Tension Fishing

This is a post including videos on "High Tension Reeling" or "Full Tension Fishing"

The video above features player:  Reggie25   - reeling in a Northern Pike using the method.

      At the beginning of the video you will notice Reggie25's stats, that have room for improvement, however she is able to land some serious fish with a simple revolutionary technique making her the "High Reeler".  Already coined as "High Tension Reeling" or "Full Tension Fishing" this technique works on the premise that you are consistently building up your special attack meter while dealing consistent damage to the fish as it gradually takes slack out.  Depending on your stats you may be able to wrangle in a couple big ones as well.  We can confirm this works both on iPhone and Android platforms and the technique will also prove to be successful while reeling in fish that "revive".  We will provide you with a video in due time!

      A couple of important things to remember while employing this technique are:
  • Remember your finger cannot maintain contact with the screen, these are rapid short stroking successions.  (Your finger must touch and release and etc.)
  • BE VERY AWARE TO HOLD ROD AS FISH DIVES!  If you even move finger in slightest while fish is in the purple this breaks high tension and snaps the line.
  • This should feel rhythmic,  depending on the state of the fish one should apply more rapid successions with shorter strokes if the fish appears unconscious (stunned).
  • However if the fish is in an active state,  one should use a less rapid succession.  
  • Ultimately, everyone has to get used to their own rhythm according to their stats and setup.
  • Test this out on smaller fish before trying with a high monster fish and wasting expensive bait.
  • IMPORTANT TO NOTE!  DO NOT waste your SPECIAL STUN move on a fish when it even near death.  Hold on to your meter until it revives.

Please feel free to comment on this technique!  I understand this may be VERY FRUSTRATING to master.  However, the rewards are great, do not doubt yourself, and if it turns out you enjoy the game without this technique that is just fine.  We merely intend to provide an alternate way for people to enhance their experience and if it is bothering you too much just put the phone down before you troll about it!  Thank you ; )


Red Flag Isurus - Jade Wharf - S-Spinner

Another Full Tension Fishing video provided by Smuttyno.

- Make sure to steadily reel in at a consistent pace.

- Pick two points on your reel you are comfortable starting and ending your stroke.

- Do not stop and hold while the fish goes "purple" continue to reel in at same pace

- Make sure you are earning the most you can out of your Skill Bar!

- Strategically wait for fish to revive, then use your special to stun fish again.

- Focus on gaining ground with the fish.  If its slowly moving further or taking too long to reel in, pause and reevaluate your stroke.

- Keep in mind smuttyno's stats while he is attempting FTF.  Consider your stats, and to see quickest results... upgrade that rod.


  1. Holy crap! Just tried it and I'm loving this! Thanks a bunch!

  2. Hey guys! This is Reggie25! Sorry if the video is hard to see, but it's hard to allow the player to play and videotape at the same time! We are working on creating another video to help guide you through the steps.

    I have noticed that the High Tension Reeling works with higher ranked rods. So make sure you are upgrading your rods!

    When you guys are practicing, make sure you lift your finger off the reel. Otherwise the line snaps. You should be making constant strokes to keep damaging the fish and working towards stunning it!
    -Make sure to watch out for the dive! its easy to snap the line when the fish is diving!! I've learned from experience!

    Most importantly, Keep Practicing!! This technique has become second nature at this point, but it took a while to get used to it. Try with smaller fish before moving on to the monsters!!

    If you guys have more questions, I'll do my best to answer all of them!

    Thanks M0MO and Smuttyno!!!!

    1. At least you could have mentioned where this technique was invented, the FT author is Depi aka Yoda @
      The REAL full guide is there with many discussions and tips.

    2. Lack of followers mate? XD
      If you really need to come here and spam about your website, you must be really desperate.
      Besides, since you know who did the FIRST EVER ft, maybe you can also tell us who was born first, the egg or the chicken? :O
      I always asked myself about that......u.u

    3. All things considered, I've only been playing the game for 3 days and had started using this technique on my own. Although not quite to this level of mastery

      Only just a moment ago did I find this page or what it was called.

      So to claim that someone else deserves credit on the basis that you assume no other person can figure out how to play the game is ludicrous.

      Troll elsewhere, and let us enjoy the free sharing of information.


  3. How "short" are your actual strokes?
    Like in a 360° space, are you actually only tapping for a very small amount or is it more like 1/8 (45°) or more?

    Im getting a little bit frustrated trying to learn this so every information helps :D


    1. It depends on the rod you're using as well as the fish you're reeling in. I do 12 o clock to 3 o clock and speed that up it slow it down depending on the fish. Experiment a bit! Once you develop a style it'll click !

  4. Excellent work on this gentleman! I want to purpose a challenge that I assume you will surely meet soon. If the creators of this blog surpass my page in page views I will resign my commission as admin of and give up the glory (rights to page and email account) to those who have created this beautiful page. There should only truly be one place to find EVERYTHING you need and these guys are doing a great job. I currently have been working on my music with my group and have not devoted the time and energy into the blog as I used to. I truly only started my blog to help people and provide a place for players to communicate. As soon as you hit it send me a screenshot via email> my current page view count is 430,948. Otherwise I will continue to maintain the blog and post event info until pageviews significantly decline. My average pageview count per day for the last 60 days has been 5500. I do sincerely hope you guys are able to keep this page ad free. Though you can make money, people generally enjoy sites more when they aren't being force-fed products. Fish on!

    John Fisherman
    User ID: wh0r3
    'That's a Zero and Three'

    1. Hey John, I appreciate the compliments . However I am sure you understand as a new site we are years behind being ahead of you in google searches and therefore years behind catching up to you in traffic. It sure does take a lot of time and work to keep up with a blog of this type and it seems you are no longer answering questions or keeping current with events. If you care about people having one resource and a great place to communicate about this game , you're right.. This is the place to be. Nothing against your blog of course , I enjoyed it and used it as a resource for a long time . If you are really interested in giving us your blog we would enjoy the extra people in our quickly growing community, but will be unable to accept your challenge. If you do have time and still enjoy keeping up with your blog we encourage you to do so, if not.. Let us know.

    2. well said smuttyno!!


      P.S. I like your blog better

  5. Incredible tip! I was stuck without a new monster for a while. Took a little while to learn this technique (lots of line breaks for about the first 20 tries) and I caught the black hole wels, tiger barracuda, and the red king taimen in the last hour! Absolutely critical for advanced fishers to know this trick.

    1. Glad this technique is working for you tony! Hope you continue to reel in those monsters

  6. PaulyS I just learned high tension reeling technique. What's worked for me is to sacrifice a little line when fish goes purple,then hold until fish starts to fight. Since you moved the meter off max by giving a little line, if you move a little while holding , the line doesn't snap. Hope this helps. Thank you anything and momo for the great blog #2ndTime

    1. You can also try to just continue to do the same motions during purple ... The fish will gain health but if your stats are good enough you will more then make up for this by gaining a special strike quicker

  7. Any other video i can watch. This video doesn't play on my samsung note 2. I have twilight +12 and fox costume all +10 but still having problems with this technique. Still not able to catch wolffish =( Please help.. thanks!

    1. I think our admins are working on a new video, but since we have similar equipment, I can maybe help..
      I mostly use a Shark The Blood +15 for high level sites and to fish by friends, but my Blue Fox equipment is lower than yours (7-6-6-5-5), for easier sites I use a Star Seeker Sonic or a Hero A, still low level.
      About wolffish I noticed that the fish tends to go far when it shoes a +1650 on a short normal cast and perfect hit, while it's more likely to get less meters when it shows +3300 or more. At +1650 the skill gauge grows slower too.
      The trick is to keep the fish below the 20/22 m or it starts to dive, and I manage to keep it at a safe distance just widening my strokes (on the reel 12-6 o'clock) and also stroking harder. This way my strokes are a bit slower than usual, but more effective to build up the skill bar quickly.
      I hope I explained it a clear way, of course a video support would be much better, but I hope it helps a bit..goodluck :)

    2. Thanks! Will try it out and share my success later hahah! Quite troublesome to keep on connecting to vpn before i can post. China blocks all blogspot.. =(

    3. Oh really? :/ Italy here.
      If you still have problems just let me know, it's all about familiarizing the technique with different fishes, but in case I can maybe take a video shoot of my capture of a wolffish and pass it to you with Whatsapp or something like that...

    4. Woot!!! FTF rocks! Finally managed to learn this thing! Thanks a lot! I'm glad i'm here to write about my success just like what i mentioned on the previous post. =)

      Just to share, i find it easier if i move my rod at the very opposite direction of the fish, making the rod appear to almost break =)

    5. Great, you did it!!! :D
      Congrats mate! Now you have mastered FTF no monster will stop you!!! :))))

  8. Can somebody confirm frame blade and star seeker rods (not the Sonic) working for FT technique please. I know golden rod is not working for this.
    Thanks for the advices.


  9. Most FTF fisher have noticed i quess, if u tap fast enough, fish doesnt regain healt on purple diving moment,
    I use to use my finger tip before, but i have noticed that i slide half finger over the real and with certain touch it gains a lot of skill and shortens line even if fish is angry red and far from shore.
    But trying to much ... line cuts :D :D

    1. I agree using the side of your finger seems to work better. It seems that the more surface area of your finger touching the reel the better it pulls them. Like you said though too much and snap! I have really been liking Ivy's thumb method lately, seems to be the perfect amount of surface area, just gotta find that perfect rhythm.


  10. now i can do this, i'm lvl 26 but i own Twilight rod... and and he dives i just keep taping recover but at last i got some skill.. thanks a lot for this..

  11. Replies
    1. Absolutely working! Tested and recorded, link is under "Questions" thread.

  12. I practice using a star seeker sonic +10. Im not that good but it really does work.

    I now have a Shooting Star Force +9....yes it works and much easier than Twilight( I bought that first then the next day my friend kellylin bought a SSF and max upgraded it.) That rod is insane with critical hits the more you upgrade it.

    Level 78

  13. How abt high rubber rod? Does it work?

  14. i have daybreak lvl 15

  15. Hey guys! Fishing Rod on sale!

    I have 1500 stars, should I spend it for Twilight or wait for Equipment sale (for Blue/Red Fox complete package)?

    Advices please.... Thank you very much

    1. I feel the rod to be more important than equipment...personally I have the Blue Fox equipment, but I use the basic one unless I fish for monsters, and it works with a lower repair cost. And that's a good moment to purchase a rod! :)
      About rods, the Twilight is a very good one, but I prefer the Shark The Blood for FTF, I find it snaps less often even if I do some little mistakes in reeling...

    2. Hello! Thanks very much for your information sharing.


  16. i thing my fon samsung galaxy ace 1 is to slow to do this technique

    1. well we can provide infos on rods...on phones it becomes harder!
      However I have some Galaxy series devices, and do FTF on all of them...mine are Tab7, GS2 and Gmini2. So I can't actually say if the problem is related to the phone or your technique...:/

    2. Bro I have the save problem with you. My Gio is just like you're ace(same year release, 2011 with 800 mhz)its laggy and the line snaps when the fish status change. However, I change to S3 recently and just tonight I mange to do it! I always though its my technique or equipment(using STB.+13). Now I'm breeding a wolf tank so add me Up, RavenXP. I do 12 oclock to 4 stroke and I realize if I hit faster on purple, the hp doesn't regen.

  17. i used twilight +7 and have no problems with FTF, caught red king taimen

    during dive/purple, i continue doing the action. line doesnt snaps


  18. This is the best technique ever. Works like a charm! Makes the montsers easier

  19. I hold the reel when fish is diving, however, no snaps :)

  20. now fishing rod on sales, which normal rod can perform FT skill.
    and minimum must upgrade to what level?

    1. Daybreak works well already at +9.

    2. thanks for advise, will take this opportunity to buy one and try

  21. Anyone pls advice star seeker not sonic version upgrade to wat level can do FTF?

  22. full tension fishing works at friend aquarium site?

  23. I just reeled in my first wolffish with ftf! Star seeker sonic +7. Took a while to get the technique right. Thanks so much for this helpful forum.

    1. Hey gurks,

      Wait till you get this rod to +11! I also have a Star Seeker Sonic, and this rod is a beast on FTF, not one fish do I fear with it!!! Wolffish bow to my bidding now!!!


  24. do infinity rod and Dual infinity rod work for ftf . please let me know , thanks


    1. Seems the Infinity series isn't working with FTF.

    2. Thanks ivy for the reply. How about the Red Shark, is it work for ftf, I want to buy one but don't know how it's work, many thanks to ivy ,


    3. I think you should buy the Daybreak even if it is a little bit more expensive because i'm not sure Red Shark can FTF..., Daybreak FTF very well even at lvl 10, this is my advice...
      Oh i almost forgot, a big thx to all that accepted or requested me ( SmuttyNo , Ivy , cuden1 , Gamr23 , Nosoupfo , sam19 , bnds0001 , rotary , cwong35 , Gr3ml1n and sorry for players i've forgotten... ).
      Now let's fish !!

      id : lapute lvl 75

    4. Sorry to say the Red Shark is claimed to be not working at FTF...the Daybreak works great instead.

    5. Thanks for both of your reply, I'll keep that advices in mind, try to get daybreak instead. Thank you.
      # awaken

    6. I can confirm that Dual Infinity works on FTF (mine is only +9)... i've been using that till i got SSF...


    7. Thanks sam19 for confirm that dual infinity works on ftf, but it's too late now I'm already bought SSS.thank you.

  25. FTF seems to be more difficult

  26. Thank you to everyone who has shared thier experiences with high tension reeling. Finally mastered this technique and received my first Wolfish egg. Will now be filling my aquarium with Wolfies. I only have a couple friends with Wolfies and could use some more, because I always feed 3 and fish 2. I'm making space for Wolfie farmers. #2ndTime.....I only have 1 wolfie presently, need help please. Thanks again, and happy fishing.

  27. It seems like your player stats also make a big deff with ftf.....what your stats at ppl?i still cant get it all but im am still going at it every now and then

  28. I'm wandering which rod is better. Candy Rose or Star Seeker? Are both Full tension Fishing? Please advice. Thanks

    1. can anyone advise abt this PLEASE!!??

  29. i am trying this method for a week and always seem to have my line snaped.
    can anyone tell me if my equipment and rod and stats are good enough to do so. and if the device's i play on are good for it to do so.
    i got zebra +11 +10 +8 cool beach flower +6 and some simple spring hills got a star seeker rod +10
    lvl 45 stats 1717, 1608, 1156, 80
    i gave a galaxy s plus and a galaxy tab 2 7inch
    can anyone help me out on this ?

    1. can anyone tell me howmuch + star seeker have to be +10 seems to be not enough
      Looking for help.

  30. I found that during high tension reeling , if I keep my rod bent I give out more damage. this fills up my skill bar much more quickly. and a big thank you to Ivy and Sam19 for letting me fish their tanks without feeding. I now have 17 wolfies and will feed your fish now. Happy fishing. #2ndTime

  31. Would like to extend all wholesome thanks to IVY, as well as all other bros and sis whom contributed to this topic, i started reading and take note on which rod and how to do the FTF, just bought a daybreak during the sales promotion and now it is +9, landed my 1st black head snakehead as well as 1st alantic wolffish, trying to land my 1st egg for alantic wolffish, hope to be able to join the rank of full tank wolffish soon

    1. Tsui Kashing,
      Just wanted to pass along some wisdom to you from a now veteran Wolf hunter. I have farmed so many eggs they are coming out my ears.

      1) Cast as short as possible...(don't worry about ripples...or it being a Perfect cast or not)

      2) Perfect your technique to not allow the Wolffish to get past 20m if it gets past 20m it will start its diving routine (this sucks)

      3) Rythmn is the key....practice...practice the same stroke on your reel...I use from 11-4 making sure each stroke is identical.

      4) Don't have a tendency to panic with Wolffish...stay relaxed and don't be intimidated by the Golden Reel.

      5) Be first you won't catch them all...and you won't get an egg everytime...but soon the more you land...the more opportunity you'll get to get an egg.

      6)Keep adding friends with Wolffish tanks...the more opportunity the more eggs

      7) Some nights they don't cough up eggs, (it depends if there is a sale going on...with rods or items..)

      8) Try each day...some days...2-3 eggs, other days 10-15 or'll see.

      9)The Red Wolf items are amazing at adding to control. I use to break the line occassionally before I got the Red Wolf Hat, now that I have it, (now to +8) I reel in every Wolffish...haven't lost a one hardly since I got it.

      10)Build your LUCK stat...I have Luck now to 110 try hard to build your makes a huge difference.

      Good Luck,

    2. thank for the information bro! haha btw i am inside your friend list! kash85

    3. Of course the hat made the difference, cuz it raises your CON/CTR stats! That's why the hat should always be our priority upgrade ;)

  32. Candy rose can do FTF?

  33. I have a question: I've been trying this with a Star Seeker and it seems to be working.
    Only issue I've got is that when your finger is not touching the reel in between, thefis is actually running away. So over time the fish will snap of cuz it ran out too much. What am I doing wrong?

    1. I have a star seeker rod +11but i cant seem to do this. What am i doing wrong?

    2. Spawn86,
      I also have a Star Seeker Rod +7 and I am unable to execute this technique with this Rod. After I received a Star Seeker Sonic, from a Lucky Card,(believe it or not?)I was able to perform this technique with ease. I have never upgraded the SS past +7 to see, but as far as I have observed...this rod doesn't work.

      Check other previous posts for lists of confirmed rods that enable you to do this technique.

      (Personally I highly recommend the Star Seeker Sonic, for the money it is a beast of a Rod...I can catch anything....White Tiger Sharks, Boss fish...Isurus..Tapon...Wolffish (have a tank full of them...all caught on a Star Seeker Sonic, now at +11)

    3. hmm thnx for the advice gamr23,
      still need A LOT of stars before i can have it tho i am saving up to complete zebra set to also increase luck.
      having bit trouble shooting getting egg's from friends so i feed alot atm :S.
      i cleared some more room in friends list for people with +3 star fish so i can get some stars up running.
      add me #DaSpawn

    4. Here's a tip for farming:

      When you go fishing in friends aquariums your strength is determimed by the rod and bait you have. Try catching a garfish normally and then use equip an expertbait. You will find that it goed much easily. I always equip a lucky bait so my chance of getting an egg goes up. Works like a charm.


  34. i have lucky bait too but i seem to have an amazing bad day's afther each other. not catching any eggs maybe 1 or so every 10 tanks 1 out of 50 isnt much with my stats.
    got 17xx 16xx 11xx 100 luck.
    i cast close ass possible and kill it even before it reaches 24m
    anyone got tips or ideas to catch eggs ?

    1. Try to feed fish before tank fishing , you'll maybe increase your chance to drop an egg. I think a 3/2 or 2/3 ( feed/fishing )ratio is not bad but i'm not sure if this way will work for you , i use to feed before fishing in my friends tanks and i always use to drop between 6 to 11 Wolfies eggs a day and i try to be the most unselfish i can with friend fish feeding...that's my egg farming way and it 's working for me each day...
      Good luck and happy fishing

      id: lapute lvl 76

    2. i was thinking about buying stars, But...the only way is through credit card...anyone know how to buy without credit card ? or am i doomed to fish a long time for 3 star fish and events ?

    3. Sorry for the late answer...My advices are :

      1 - Buy a gold rod that can FTF well like Daybreak.
      2 - Upgrade it until lvl 10 as fast as you can.
      3 - Train yourself to FTF.
      4 - Try to add wolfies friends.
      5 - Fish in friends tanks to get Wolfies eggs.
      6 - Farm stars to buy a better equipment : stars rod , stars costume , S baits or others.

      If you can't buy a Daybreak rod maybe you have saved enough stars to buy a Star Seeker Sonic to start FTF style...
      If not i think you really need to purchase stars...
      Anyway good luck and happy fishing.

      id: lapute lvl 77

    4. thnx lapute,
      i am already trying with star seeker ftf but it wont work even at +11
      i want to buy star to take something like daybreak/twilight/SSF i already have star equipment as good as but is there a way to buy stars without a credit card? they say something about phone billing ?
      don't exactly know how this works.
      i only have about 200 stars so a new better rod isnt realy an option at the moment thats why i want to buy some else i be doomed to fish a Whole lot of tanks.

      hope someone can help me out here on How to ??

  35. So...I frayed a nerve in my neck a few days ago and had to learn a new FTF technique. I found that I could cut my reel rate in half and get more damage/skill by listening to and watching the reel to make sure that the sound was smooth and I caught the handle coming back around. I also changed from 1-5 o'clock to 11-5 o'clock.
    P.S. I never could get FTF to work in gauge mode. I have to be in smart cast.

  36. Hey guys anybody having trouble hooking Atlantic wolfish now on died aquarium have they gotten stronger nd fif is not working on my shark the blood rode it's +14 my stats are 28x 27x nd 25xoxo any suggestions

  37. For me is not working this technique.. my stats 36xx 33xx 23xx rod is shark blood shooting force twilight +18... I trying make from 1 o'clock to 5 and nothing...using samsung galaxy s2

    1. I have your same rods (STB +15, SSF +13, TL +6) and a Gs2 as well, my stats are lower than yours but I do FTF with no problem, so I think you just gotta get used to it.
      Try widening your strokes like 12-6 o'clock and also stroking harder, cuz the Gs2 works better this way, and never move while the fish is sinking.

  38. That sucks dude I'm using galaxy note I had full wolfish in tank but no it always napps and they seem to get stronger nd dive more this is very upsetting

    1. I just collect 8 Wolfie eggs and FTF always works as good as yesterday and even before , i don't know what happened to you...

      id: lapute lvl 77

  39. Sometimes I struggle with ftf. No matter how i make adjustments, I can't cause enough damage to reel in. However, when I go to another tank it works great again. I haven't been able to figure out if it's me or the game.


    1. Gotta be the game. When ftf in tanks or otherwise goes haywire I just go to easy quests or do something else for awhile.

  40. Can anyone confirm what level the STAR SEEKER will be able to do FTF? I have one to +12 but still can't do FTF with it and don't want to waste more coins/scrolls/stars to repair, if this rod can't do FTF.
    I already have 2 rods that do FTF, and would like to add another to the category. thanks in advance.


    1. which are the other 2 ros?

    2. Now I have 4 FTF rods. Candy Gold Plus +14, Shark The Blood +14, Twilight +16, and Shooting Star Force +15.

      my Star Seeker is now +14 and I still can't perform FTF on it.


  41. This metod rocks, thanks to inventor !
    My stats on one account OK to pull anything and I dint have problem till yesterday , line snaps every time I'm trying to pull wolffish . Rod is daybreak lvl14. And another thing , I failed 12 times trying to upgrade from 14 TO 15 . Can anyone help or share experience here . My other account have lover stats , rod is twilight lvl12 , absolutely no problem there.

  42. Can Candy Rose perform FTF? Please advice. Thanks

  43. Finally I am able to FTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It took me days to figure it out. I will not bore you with the details, but just post what I found to be the biggest help:

    I used to cast short and work my way down the energy bar until I landed my wolfie. I would fill my special attack meter 2-3 times and land wolfies every time, but it took a while. Sometimes they would dive ALOT and sometimes I could finish them before the chance -5% kicked in. After the update I found out quickly that the short casting method was going to take WAY TOO MUCH TIME!!

    I had already seen the posted videos and read the tips and I was able to do it to some extent, but not enough to rely upon. After this last update, I had to learn...

    To the posters of the videos...Reggie and Smuttyno....thank you...It was a great help in getting me started. I watched and tried to get a mental count of how often the strokes were coming along the reel. I think a video without any commentary and only in game audio would be helpful. I read on this blog about someone who HEARD a beat to the reel. I tried to follow that after many failed attempts.

    After figuring out a good beat that got me some success, I worked on the way I was moving my finger. Initially, I was going from 11-5 as was described in this blog. I finally figured out that 11-5 is correct, but I was going in a circle with the reel and breaking lines constantly!! When I went from 11-5 in a straight line...PERFECT!! I have since gone to a shorter stroke (12-5) and I try to keepit on the outside of the "clock". When I say clock, I picture the reel as a clock and draw a line between 12 and 5 and go to work on that line. I still break lines periodically. I use an android phone for my gaming and find that if I have a slow connection, STOP!! Clear all data and/or reboot the phone and it works much better.

    In the last couple days I still have not become comfortable enough to completely trust this method. I do it until I reach my first special attck and use it. In the time it takes for the fish to recover from the special attack, I can let my tension bar go down about half way and only have 8-20% left.

    For anyone still having difficulty with this,like I did, I hope this helps.

    Remember...LISTEN for an even sound of reeling in and letting out. That's what did it for me.


    PS For Wolfies...this method does let out more line than it brings in. If I cast at 11m, by the time I use my special attack and let the tension release, I am just about at 1/2 tension when the fish is at 24m.

    1. Hey buddy! You helped me build my wolff tank and I'm glad my experience helped you in return (LISTENING). I started equipping a master bait when I fish tanks as well. Gave a nice little boost (sorry I can't remember who suggested it).

    2. Oh yeah for sure. I have equipped my best everything when egg fishing. It helps with egg quantity and frequency. More luck the better!!


  44. What works for me is quick thumb swipes 3 to 6 o clock. I landed a silver scaled halibut and giant redfish this way. Also I am converting my tank to wolfish landing 8 fishing my friends aquariums. Keep trying and never give up. The 12 to 5 o clock didn't work for me and my erratic thumb rythym lol

    Level 81

  45. Hey everybody does the day breaker work on ftf

    1. Yes !
      work's fine, from beginning and also with upgrading.
      shure with higher up's will it go easyer, my is now on +10 and hey I build my starfish tank with it (most wolfis)

      greetz natterr

  46. It can work but it is difficult. It works the best with rods purchased with stars versus cash. Star seeker sonic, infinity plus, twilight and shooting star force all work excellent with ftf.

  47. can somebody please help me out here,
    how i can buy stars without creditcard.
    they say through phone billing but i got no explanation on how to...
    Hope somebody can help me out...

    lvl 47

  48. If you are on android you can buy a google play gift card..if not start a checking account and then you can use ur check card they give yiu

    1. thnx for some info. maybe a prepaid creditcard is a good solution..
      Daspawn lvl 47

  49. any confirmation on what level a star seeker (not star seeker sonic) can perform FTF?


    1. Can't do it with a star seeker

  50. Can anyone confirm that ftf works with hero a/d rod ? I'm practicing all day long and i doupt that it works with these rods.... need an answer


  51. I have Hero D rod +13 and it definitely works very well.

  52. I was already at +13 when I learned ftf so I can't verify lower levels. I reel from 12 to 5 on the reel and watch the skill bar and adjust my ruthenium so to maximize damage. Good luck and happy fishing.

  53. Thank you ;) and what about the hero a rod ?

  54. wow! It work... i was stuck in the rut for so long!
    Thank you thank you thank you...
    and THANK YOU!!!

  55. I'm using a platinum rod +4 with really bad stats(613ATT, 525SKILL, 337CTR & 14LUCK), using a S-minnow. Now i can't get this to work (I guess problem lies with the rod after reading above comments) but I can't snag a big black snakehead. The closest I've come to is 40m with 68% health, before it just goes to 48m and I lose it. Any tips?

    1. I used Platinum rod +10 before and it never failed to disappoint me on FTF. I suggest that you try harder to generate gold (if you cannot purchase stars) and replace that rod asap. Go get powerful rods like SSF, Twilight, Daybreak and you'll catch those fishes even without learning how to FTF BUT make sure it has been verified working on FTF so that you could experience this technique as well. I also suggest that you wait for discounts on rods so that you could save up to 50% gold/stars. Good luck! ^_^

  56. I have just got a Hero D Rod, Which Upgrade should I reach before I can FTF? My stats: STR 1064/1300 AGL 910/910 CON 780/780.
    Please advice thanks

    1. at least +10 buddy

    2. Wow... Hero D rod with my stat can do FTF at +1 !!

      LOL. I think they are auto FTF rods! Now I'm only +4 with Master bait and got my first Wolfish!!

  57. Been working on this technique for a few days now and for the most part it works great. Landed several monster fish on my first try. Just keep getiing random line snaps and I can't figure out why. I use shooting star force +14 and my stats are 2600 2500 1700 90. I've tried adjusting my stroke and speed but the snaps are so random I can't find what I'm doing wrong. Don't know if my game is glitching or having a network issue or what. And help or advise would be great

  58. Um, I think the device being used is also a factor. When I was using Samsung s3, I begun perfecting the trick at 11 and 5 o clock motion. Now I am using Samsung Galaxy Player and it snaps often. =(

    I use Daybreak +8.

  59. This has completely changed my game. Bravo!

  60. Curently I have 2 SSF rods, 1 Hero D, 1 platinum, 1 star seeker and 1 solo wise. I thought of getting another rod with gold coins. Which do you think I should go for? I have 1.4M gold coins.


    1. I also have the SSF.1 twilight. 1 shark the blood and recently got the daybreak. I'm really happy with it. Ftf is really good with it once you get it to +8 or better


  61. star seeker works with ftf?

  62. I think this “skill” has been corrected. I can not use this now, after i fail almost 15 wolffish. so sad

  63. Doesn't neem to be working anymore. Used to work great, now the line snaps every time at random. Weird !

    Level 53 shark the blood +11

  64. I am an FTF player... My tank full of monster fishes all caught using FTF. I don't have any difficulty using this technique at all until this night. Suddenly the FTF doesn't work with my Shooting Star +11 neither with my shark the blood +13. I've tried to clean my screen and still the FTF doesn't work. Any idea whats wrong???? :(
    (my stats are 24xx, 23xx, 16xx)

    1. This is strange , very strange...FTF still works for me i only noticed that SSS Wolfies seems to be a little bit stronger...
      I just received 26 Wolfies eggs this morning : 7 to replace 7 SSS Wolfies and Killer Whales and 19 that i sold at D rank for 2 stars : 7 x 6 + 19 x 2 = 80 stars
      I can't understand what happens to you guys , maybe try to clean your screen , wash your hands , check if you equip the right stuff...
      Good Luck and Happy Fishing !

      id : lapute lvl 81

  65. Still works for me.....used a level 10 star seeker sonic and dual infinity +11 and caught wolfies. It does seem to not let you get away with mistakes during ftf. Believe me, if they wanted ftf to quit working they would have stopped it months ago. Make sure you have a good connection(strong bars or wifi). If you have a weak signal it will make it harder.

    Level 85

  66. Does anyone uses the opposite of the usual 11 and 5 o clock FTF reeling? I just don't feel comfortable with it especially with thumb. I've seen this video that seemingly uses 9 and 1 o clock reeling for FTF which I would rather want to use... But not sure which rods will be effective for 9 and 1 o clock? Or is this really working or not?

  67. can someone named the ftf rods so ppl will know the roads that can perform this act?I am telling that cus this page is quite comfused about the rods that can do that.i have seen that hero a rod can do it and in a few post later someone else says that you cant perform.So if someone from the good players can give us some knowledge will be great.

    1. Hi , please correct me if i'm wrong on the follwoing list...

      100% FTF rods :

      1 - Shooting Star Force* / Shooting Star*
      2 - Twilight / Daybreak*
      3 - Shark the Blood*
      4 - Hero D
      5 - Star Seeker Sonic

      rods supposed to work :

      1 - Dual Infinity Rod
      2 - Candy Gold Plus / Candy Gold

      * : my personal rods that i'm pretty sure to work because i play with.

      All others rods are supposed to NOT work on FTF

      id : lapute lvl 81

    2. Hey lapute my friend!

      Can I use 9 and 3 o clock on DayBreak? I tried 11 and 5 o clock before and it worked with an old device which I have to sell for some reasons. Currently with my present device can't make FTF working so I'm still waiting to have a new one... Thx! ^_^

    3. Hi , i don't know , i play on a SGS 3 and i use to play FTF from 12 to 4 or 5 and i never tried another way...but i heard some other players used the 9 to 1/2/3 or even the 11 to 5 , then just try all possibilities to get the better way on your present device.
      Good Luck

      id : lapute lvl 81

  68. Anyone else keep getting line snap when doing FTF? Ten out of ten casts all snap. btw I am using twilight +15... Is it only me..

    1. I think your Twilight +15 is very good at FTF but gold rods seems to be much less effective than few weeks ago...
      I never snapped as many lines as these last few days with my Daybreak and my Shooting Star , i don't even use them for FTF anymore , i lost confidence in these rods :/
      While STB & SSF still FTF perfectly.
      Sad to say i think the problem is from you...

      id : lapute lvl 83

  69. Hi guys! With Star Seeker works, but doesn't work with Infinity Road? It's true? If it's true somebody shotme please!

    1. The cheapest rod that allow FTF is Star Seeker Sonic. Anything above it can FTF.


    2. shhhhhhit :/ znks!

  70. Sirs, would I be able to do FTF with my current stats and Gears?

    1. Seems no , even if i never try the SSS , i think your stats are too low for FTF at the moment , but keep upgrading your rod & costume , train your character as often as you can and you will be able to FTF in higher lvl about +13 at least but +15 should be better (for the rod i mean)

      id : lapute lvl 83

  71. Who can tell me how to catch a killer whale?
    My stats are high enough, but FTF wont work.
    Line breaks everyday time.
    Pls tell me THE secret, THE technique

    1. There are no secrets or special techniques , you just feel your own FTF , to me if you can land Wolfies in bunch then you can land Killer Whales too because the way is exactly the same.
      Maybe try to reduce your thumb's strokes or maybe try to do 12 to 6 instead of your usual way...
      I use the 12 to 4/5 for ALL big fishes including the Bloody Emperor and the Thunderbolt Moray Eel but the rythm is more important on these very strong fishes than the "easy ones"
      Sorry i can't tell you more because there is no more to tell...
      Try several ways , Good Luck !

      id : lapute lvl 83

    2. Lapute, Thanx
      I did several ways, and 11 to 5 works great.
      Thanx for your advice.

    3. Np , glad you found a way to land the Orca , congrats ;)

      id : lapute lvl 83

    4. For me, I never landed a proper FTF till my Control Reached 1K+.

      Even with 98x control, FTF always snaps my line.

      Now lvl 33 with 17xx, 15xx, 12xx, FTF works perfectly fine.

      Landed my 1st Orca with FTF from the tank of Lapute.

      ID: MarySB lvl 33

    5. Do mine in 1 - 5 strokes, just enough to gain Power for Skill in every stroke.

      Now I can land Sir, Lapute's Orcas(0 power on cast)
      Orcas gain leverage on me with my Stats, but still manages to kill them before they go 40m+

      lvl 33

  72. Wow, u guys are awesome.
    I spent an hour to read through this blog I have learnt FTF.
    Many thanks all of you include those who share the videos, methods, tricks and rods that works for FTF.
    I am using a SSF+13 stat2695/2421/1693/80
    I have just got my first wolffish egg by FTF.

    1. Congrats man and welcome on Board !

      id : lapute lvl 83

  73. All FTF Rods

  74. he leido todo lo que he podido ya que no hablo ingles muy bien, necesito que me recomienden una caña para poder hacer ftf.
    estoy en nivel 33 mis stats son att 1111, skill 971, ctr 641, luck 18


    I read everything I could and I do not speak English very well, I need to recommend a cane do ftf.
    I'm at level 33 my stats are att 1111, skill 971, ctr 641, luck 18


    1. Hola , pienso que puedes tomar a una Shark The Blood , esta cana es la mejor para presentarse a la FTF tecnica pero puedes tomar tanbien a la Star Seeker Sonic que es menos fuerta si no tienes muchas estrellas...
      Buena Suerte !

      id : lapute lvl 83

  75. I just Did a Video of FTF on Wolfish.
    A bit Laggy but still viewable
    my stats are:

    And here's the Video on Wolfish:
    (landed within minutes)-sorry for the crappy sound
    With 1 to 5 Stroke and 2-3 stroke/second

    I'm having trouble with Orcas while recording, it always snaps, I think ill just compensate on my twitch :P

  76. which upgrade lvl need the rods for FTF like shark the blood is +3 enough or does it have to be +10 or so???
    and what about SSS, Twilight or SSF???

    1. It depends of your stats but :

      Shark The Blood +6 can FTF very well / your Shark The Blood +3 should works not bad to start your FTF training but only if your stats are high enough...
      Star Seeker Sonic +6 can FTF well too and if your stats are not high enough then try to upgrade your gears to 1800 ATT as MarySB 's stats and you will be able to FTF with a Star Seeker Sonic +12 but only if your skills are high enough xD

      id : lapute lvl 85

  77. I'm having a sore hand! Can't FTF the speed I need. Any advice is great?


    1. If you can't go faster, then go wider! :)
      Some rods allow you to stroke like 11 to 5-6 o'clock, SSF, STB, TL are ok. This way you do more damage even with slower movements.
      The device you use counts as well, on my GS2 I have to stroke harder and faster than on my GTab7.

  78. Previously I was doing 6 - 12. Now I'm trying the other way round 11 - 6. The wider part do help a lot. It does make more damage. Usually I do straight across. Now trying the more circular motion. More practice!


  79. does this method work on winder deluxe too?

  80. Since the last update Golden Rod and Platinum Rod seem to do FTF. Actually I have a Star Seeker (not sonic) and it worfks once in a while doing FTF but it snaps often. Does anybody have a Star Seeker to make sure if it works or not? My Star seeker is +10 and Stats are 16xx; 1400; 1200


  81. You cannot FTF on Star Seeker. You need a Hero A (for Gold rod) and SSS ( for star rod) minimum.


  82. SSS Works very well with FTF, at least for me. Though I can't really compare since thats the only rod I have that is able to do FTF at all. I don't regret buying this rod though, its really very useful if you're upgrading from a very weak rod like hurricane and below.

  83. does ftf work in star seeker rod? and at what +level?

    1. Are you serious ???
      PLEASE look 2 posts above and stop to ask 250 times the same thing , it's really annoying...

      id : lapute lvl 85

  84. I tried a lot the technique, but my problem is that the fish is to far away and propably the lane snapps.
    So I get an atlantic wolffish to 30% in a realy short time but than he snapps because he's too far away!
    What should I do?
    I have nearly 3000 Attacke, SSF +12 and the second best equip on +10 and I'm level 48.

    Btw: I read that you have to 5000 attacke or more for some fishes. How I can get more even when I have the nearly best equip???

    1. Means you need to do a faster stroke with the same stroke length.

      MarySB lvl 44

  85. FTF works fine. I still need some practice, but otherwise it works quite well. Only in the monster fish I still have problems. Silver Scale Halibut, for example, is always running away upwards. Although I am in the high level area and he pulls him from power but the line tears then anyway. Does anyone have a tip? It sucks something but it works in principle,but with the big boys the technique fails for me.

    How can I upload a photo in this post???

    1. Stats from Twilight and Shooting Star Force as Link. I hope these Links are working.
      I think this Stats are fine for FTF. But anything I'm doing wrong.

      Pleeeeaaaassseee HELP! :-(

    2. Lars80, if you were able to max out our Gauge without Snapping it on FTF and has a stats higher than mine, yet the fish still gains distance, means, you're stroking slower, let's say double you stroke speed, with the same stroke length..

      MarySB lvl 44



  88. which is a better rod, shark the blood, twilight or shooting star force? which is much better at ftf? and would i still be able to ftf even though my equipment is a bit weak, lets say stats maybe 13xx-14xx with either of the 3 rods i mentioned.


  90. Did FTF Work for Line Mass Fishing ??

  91. Can Anybody please confirm Golden Rod doing FTF? in case it can under what stats.

    1. ** Golden Rod working for sure with FTF. Currently reeling in wolfies with a +7 Golden rod.

  92. can anybody plz tell me if Shooting Star and Aqua Emperor working for FTF ?

  93. Which url you guys use for picture?

  94. OK....this is seriously awesome. I have been playing this game since about October. I had a star seeker for the past four months or so and I didn't know that it couldn't do FTF so I kept trying and when it didn't work, I thought it was just me. I finally got a star seeker sonic and it works like a mofo. It is only +4 and I just caught a northern pike for the first time. Thank you for all the great info and thank you to all my awesome friends who didn't drop me even when they transitioned to wolf tanks and I still had my little alligator gars!

  95. wow! cant believe im doing this FTF. im using twilight +5. :) i have lots of star fish now. add me. thanks!

    Lvl 40

    1. Sent and invitation to you. I'm level 33 and currently I'm a 3-star breeder. I'm saving my star for decent rod (maybe dual infinity or shark the blood) so I can move on to breed an atlantic wolffish or killer whale, I hope).

      Lasuto, lvl33

  96. Read bout this somewhere else but did not quite get it. Now after reading your blog it was sooo easy. Maybe its because of my stats but i got it on the first try. Finally I can start filling up my tank with wolffish wihtout spending weeks. Thnx alot

  97. Hello
    I have been playing Line Mass Fishing (the same game, but with a different name) sinze a few weeks before.
    Now I'm in level 34, with stats ATT900 SKILL770 CTR520 LUCK6, and I'm using a infinity rod (+8).
    I've tried to use this technique many times, and it always fails, no matters how small is the fish, how quickly I move my finger, or how short are my strokes.
    I'd like to know why doesn't it works, because there are some fishers with similar stats to the mines, who are catching much larger fishes than the ones which I catch.
    Maybe it's because the game I play is not exactly the same that you play, or because my stats are too low :/
    Thank you everybody

    1. hello there...I already try the technique just a few minute after I found this blog....and I succeded to tame the SSS aligator gar 2 time with just 1300 ++ attack and Im just at lvl 28 Im so freakin happy :)......the technique that I understand from watching this video is to move your reel with speed from the 12 o clock to 3 o clock position by stroking...that really annoying at first bcause u need yo play with speed...most of all ignore all the other....gud luck :)

    2. IIRC Infinity Rod (bought with Gold if I remember, not the Dual Infinity Rod which is bought with Stars) doesn't work with this technique. You need at least Star Seeker Sonic Rod (bought with Stars) upgraded to at least >+10 to use this technique comfortably.
      For Rods that bought by Gold and can be used with this technique are Hero A, Daybreak, Shooting Stars.

  98. shittttt!!!!!! the technique is super duper awesome........ I never aspect to tame sss alligator gar 2 times with just 1300++ attck......ur ...AWESOME !!!

  99. Deleting inactive players on my list. Now adding friends with ATLANTIC WOLFFISH on their tanks! Kindly add me if you have.

    Lvl 44

  100. SOB!!!
    I Have you in my friend list and now I know WHY THE HELL I can't beat you!!
    Wait for me!!!

  101. Fairly new to the game been playing about 3 weeks. My son loves watching and convinced me to buy the Assassin Gear. This is all before I found this site/blog and new of FTF. With that said I am level 29 with 1504/1419/1053/69 stats and currently using Hurricane+5. Have 192 stars and was thinking of purchasing a FTF rod, which one should I go for? PS I am daily player and fish/feed Jdog77.

    posted this on the Ocean Tyrant page also. Thanks all

    1. You need more Stars mate. Hurricane Storm and Golden Rod can do FTF but you have to be precise otherwise your line will snaps. Very little room for error.
      I'd suggest start saving those Stars and buy Star Seeker Sonic (minimum, at least upgraded to +11, cost 900 Stars w/o discount), Dual Infinity Rod (1200 Stars) or higher.

  102. What kind of stats do I need to grab the Atlantic Wolf? Right now I am around 2073/1915/1423/85 using OT+7 how close am I to being able to land one? Some of my friends tanks have them but I always run out of line.

    1. I leveled the rod to 8 and now have started my AWF tank. Got 2 eggs yesterday and a sunfish egg.

  103. Hi you all, first of all, grate blog!
    I just bought my first "high level" star rod (Dual Infinity) and started learning FTF. My objective is to farm Wolfishes. After one or two days, i've learned the technic, I am able to farm Goliaths and Nile Perchs without problem, but the AW still goes away, I am wondering if I need to keep trying and master FTF or I just don't have enough stats for the task (I am able to hook small AT with low tension fishing).
    ATT 2800
    Skill 2500
    CTR 1800
    As I said, the rod is DI +13

    1. I have much less stats than yours even when equipping matter bait (22xx/20xx/18xx) and I'm using daybreak +11 to farm AW. Cast your line very short (about 10-15% on TBS gauge), that way AW doesn't get away fast and it doesn't dives. If you're still losing line and AW still got away then you need to stroke faster. I stroke very fast with my device using 3-7 or 3-8 with linear movement because I found out that circular stroke with my rod/device, my line always snapped.

  104. im kinda able to do this my stats are 9xx/7xx/5xx my line snaps a lot and never have gotten a wolffish i have a star seeker sonic 6+ any advice besides upgrading i do 2 to 5 o clock

    1. Maxed out your training stats and keep upgrading that rod. Your stats and rod are too low for Wolffish. You need at least 17xx/15xx/10xx so it doesn't get away quickly.
      Your line snapped a lot because your rod wasn't high enough. I think +12 or +13 for Star Seeker Sonic is enough to do FTF comfortably.

  105. also do u have any tips on leveling up fast im level 29

    1. Fishing in high-tier site like Paho Shore, Emerald Fjord and Whirlpool Cave. Though I'm afraid without decent rods/equipments you'll be having much trouble especially on Emerald Fjord and Whirlpool Cave.

      Best way to level up quickly is keep fishing and aiming for big fish. Use A/S-rank baits.

  106. whats the best way to do it. 3 to 9 or what ?i have 1xxx,10xx,8xx with sss . im planning on gettingan atlantic wolffish ... i know my stats are low but i still want to do it
